Brain Gym® : A Pedagogical Approach

Brain Gym® is an innovative program which has specific movement activities to support children in mastering the physical skills required for mental, cognitive and language skills necessary for higher order thinking. This program is for schools to equip their teachers to enable students to learn with ease. It is based on the principle that movement is the key to access our Optimal Potential. The principles in the program are so widely accepted that it is now the standard in many schools around the world. Teachers who incorporate the Brain Gym movements within their daily classroom routine rediscover the joy of teaching for which they originally chose their profession. 

Course Audience: Pre-primary, Primary as well as secondary school teachers and Principals.

Curated courses which can be taught from one hour to 24 hours.

Key Takeaways:

  • Improved  attention and focus
  • Eye hand co-ordination
  • Visual Tracking 
  • Stress release
  • Improves reading, writing, problem solving 
  • Decreases challenging behavior 
  • Promotes whole brain learning

In Action

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